Marco Gallotta x Così Com’è


What do you get when you cross a creative force like Marco Gallotta with an adventuresome Italian consumer brand like Così Com’è — something exceptional! Much like birthing a child—9 months ago Così Com’è and Marco began a creative journey together. They’ve created packaging that entices food lovers and collectors alike.


Like going back to Marco’s roots, this collaboration with Così Com’è made him feel at home. Originally from southern Italy, an area known for its tomatoes, Marco was excited to create something special for their packaging.

Marco approached this project with familiarity while also wishing to bring in a fresh sense of design—something that engaged his NYC sense of experience and point of view.


The goal was to bring what’s on the inside - the core ingredients - to the outer packaging in an interesting way. Marco’s main inspiration was the “datterino”, a tomato plant that produces a smaller fruit that is extremely sweet. The negative spaces created by the intertwined branches of the tomato plant mixed with the vibrant colors inspired by Pop Art guided Marco in creating a special limited edition package design.

Collectors get to enjoy the sweet taste of tomato sauces along with the vibrancy of Gallotta’s design that creates an exciting new experience. Let us know what you think.

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